Nimbin's Web

Oct 19, 2015 12:50 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Well here it is. Still a few small things left to complete, But let me introduce you to our new house. Handover is tomorrow and we get the keys. The gravel for the yard is being done this weekend and then the last little bit of fencing will be finished. Hopefully moving in will start by the end of next week. It's been a long process but i have to say the end result is wonderful. Take a look at the video and tell me what you think :)




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May 16, 2015 8:27 AM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

just received an email telling me i had a new skin comment, but all i get in the actual email is this.... #body#


Any ideas?. :)

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Feb 12, 2015 9:44 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

Well my Partner and I have taken the plunge and bought a block of land and will be building our dream home. At the moment we are in the planning stage with a reputable builder. For those Aussies it's GJ Gardner Homes. We are auctioning the house in Melbourne in March so the proceeds from that will be more than enough to cover the entire costs for our new abode. So far in 2 open days there have been 68 groups of people gone through the house, 10 of those have requested engineering reports and 3 have consulted builders to visit and give them ideas on renovations or extensions. It's in a great part of Melbourne to. Ascot Vale, 5 minutes from Flemington Racecourse. I have a feeling the bidding is going to get hot on auction day. I will post progress pictures as each major point in the construction process is reached. But hopefully we should be in by Christmas or very early in the New Year. Oh we are building in Bendigo where we currently live so theres no location change :)

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Sep 28, 2011 10:11 PM by Discussion: WinCustomize Talk

So this is the story. I had a few friends over the other night and were discussing various subjects and the subject of pride arose. I mentioned a story i had read somewhere (can't remember where) about a group of people who wanted to create and host a straight pride mardi gras. Well my so called friends were horrified. "oh how homophobic" were the comments i heard. So i piped up and said " so how come it's ok to be Gay and proud, Black and proud and muslim and proud" (i only use these as an example because these groups seem to be the main topic of tolerance and pride these days. I am a straight guy and i am proud, i am a white guy and i am proud and i am a catholic and proud. So according to these friends i am a homophobic, racist religious intolerant. Now i don't give a damn if your gay....big deal, i don't give a damn if your black.... big deal and i don't give a damn what religion you are...big deal, but i am the asshole because i happen to be proud of who i am... oh but no... i should be ashamed of being straight, white and catholic. i am so sick and tired of this double standard hypocracy that is infecting our society these days, mainly caused by a minority of hairy armpitted do gooders who unfortunately seem to make the most noise. The way i see it is.... screw political correctness, be proud of who you are and don't let anyone tell you that you should be ashamed to be who you are. are we not all human beings after all... since when does sexuality, colour and religious belief determine who you are. People seem so afraid of offending others that they are willing to sacrifice their own beliefs and opinions because they might be accused of hate or intolerance. The last time i looked tolerance is defined as respecting the beliefs and decisions of others. it's doesn't mean you have to accept it or believe in it, but it does mean you have no right to vilify someone else who believes different than you do, thats tolerance. The word has been so twisted by political correctness bullshit. Well thats my rant :)

100 Replies Reply 45 Referrals

Sep 16, 2011 10:15 PM by Discussion: WindowBlinds

ok so here is the issue. I am using the latest version 7.20f and after i apply a theme (in this case majik) it takes forever to apply and when it does the theme is only half applied and the WB config window has frozen and requires task manager to get it to close. Now the config window won't open at all and after a reboot windows has reverted to windows classic theme. I can't even apply aero now and it requires an uninstall of windowblinds and a restore of archive to get it to work again. This has happened a few times now and it's getting tiresome. The last few updates to WB have seen substandard at best and i am getting tired of having to go through this every week or so just to apply a new theme. Don't get me wrong, once i have restored the archive or reinstalled fresh it works for a few themes and then hangs like this. At this time i am forced to use IE9 because now google chrome won't even open properly and crashes instantly. there must be a fix for this and soon because i am seriously considering not renewing my sub next time it becomes dues because this is more trouble than it is worth.

10 Replies Reply 6 Referrals

Aug 3, 2011 9:42 PM by Discussion: DesktopX

just tried using impulse to update desktopX to version 4 and it says that my registration is not valid... ok so i know that my sub runs out on july 31 2012 and when i check the stardock products page DX4 is not listed for download. is this what is the norm for impulse now?. everytime i load it there shows an update for WB to 7.20d but as soon as it finishes validating the registrations the update disappears. What is going on?, i thought we could continue to use impulse to update our paid for valid subscription software... but no. Is stardock going to release an updater just for their products? because this is going from silly to absolutely stupid now.





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Jul 14, 2011 3:29 AM by Discussion: Object Desktop

about a week or so ago i sent an email to or it could have been requesting help with my objectdesktop renewal not showing up in impulse. I renewed mu subscription for another year and yet impulse still tells me that my sub runs out on july 31 2011. It should now expire on 31 july 2012. as of now i have heard absolutely nothing from stardock except for their automated email. Below is the ticket number for my request and i would hope that this is sorted out as soon as possible. I have supplied the order number and all relevant details in my original email.


Ticket ID: QGU-251431
Subject: Object Desktop Renewal
Department: Stardock - Sales
Priority: Sales
Status: Open




Nimbin :)

12 Replies Reply 17 Referrals

Jul 14, 2011 3:29 AM by Discussion: Object Desktop

about a week or so ago i sent an email to or it could have been requesting help with my objectdesktop renewal not showing up in impulse. I renewed mu subscription for another year and yet impulse still tells me that my sub runs out on july 31 2011. It should now expire on 31 july 2012. as of now i have heard absolutely nothing from stardock except for their automated email. Below is the ticket number for my request and i would hope that this is sorted out as soon as possible. I have supplied the order number and all relevant details in my original email.


Ticket ID: QGU-251431
Subject: Object Desktop Renewal
Department: Stardock - Sales
Priority: Sales
Status: Open




Nimbin :)

12 Replies Reply 17 Referrals

Apr 10, 2011 2:10 PM by Discussion: Software Utilities

I just loaded impulse and saw an update for windowblinds but before i can update impulse tells me it needs to be updated first, so fine i go to update impulse and it gets to 7% and then reports an error while downloading the update. Any ideas on when this issue will be sorted out as i can't update WB without it. I am a current subscriber until oct 31st this year so it's nothing to do with an expired sub or anything. hope to hear something soon. :)





5 Replies Reply 7 Referrals

Is there anyway that people who upload heaps of icons to the Objectdock and Misc icon galleries can be asked to upload 1 zip file instead of a load of individual icons. I think doing it as individul is quite selfish as it moves everyone elses work down out of view basically and kinds of makes people like myself a little pissy when we have to scroll down through a heap of icons by the same person to get to others work. :)

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